Thursday 1 March 2012

Stop motion animation production

For this assignment we have been asked to produce a motion of our choice such as cut out animation, model based animation and so on. I have decided to create a model based animation like the one I made before:
The reason I have chose to do model based is it because I find it good to make your own character and you can do many things with it, such as add music to it to make it better.

My first idea I am going to do is make a character which is a fights with other people I make. I am then going to edit it and put in a piece of music to go with the scene I make.

My second idea was to create a super mario scene by creating Mario and Luigi and then making the question mark box they jump and hit like this: 

My last idea is to make football model based characters and make a scene of a football game but try to make it funny by making them tackle each other badly. My football players will look similar to this: 

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