Thursday 15 March 2012

Making the background

Today I continued to set out my super mario assignment. I went onto google and searched for the super mario map.

This is the image I found. It already has some of the characters on so this was a problem, so I went onto photoshop to try edit it out.

This is my finished piece of removing the characters. As you can see it doesn't look very professional as I used the line tool to make the hill complete as mario was in the way before.
To edit out the characters I used the clone stamp tool. This lets you click on the image and it will copy the section you chose and paste were you click until you let go of the button.

This is what it looked like when I had finished. When I printed it of my mario was to big to jump onto the boxes so it didn't look right so I went back onto photoshop and then used the select tool and moved the boxes higher so it would let mario be the right size for the boxes. 

This is my final edited piece of the background I am going to use.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Stop Motion assignment

For my assignment I have decided to use the idea of creating super mario and luigi.

For the scene I am going to make a gumba which is a super mario character which they jump on to kill it. However as the mushroom makes them go bigger I am going to make the get it, then make a bigger gumba using the plaster-sine and then mak gumba e mario and luigi fight it.

These are my characters I made and are going to be in my Stop motion video.

Stop motion animation production

For this assignment we have been asked to produce a motion of our choice such as cut out animation, model based animation and so on. I have decided to create a model based animation like the one I made before:
The reason I have chose to do model based is it because I find it good to make your own character and you can do many things with it, such as add music to it to make it better.

My first idea I am going to do is make a character which is a fights with other people I make. I am then going to edit it and put in a piece of music to go with the scene I make.

My second idea was to create a super mario scene by creating Mario and Luigi and then making the question mark box they jump and hit like this: 

My last idea is to make football model based characters and make a scene of a football game but try to make it funny by making them tackle each other badly. My football players will look similar to this: