Friday 25 November 2011

This is the photo I decided to edit. I chose this image because it stands out well, and the light shines on one side of the face which is a good effect so I thought it would be a good image to edit.

This is the image after I edited it. I used the 'Hue-Saturation' tool. I also used the contrast tool and put it down a little bit. I thought it would be a good idea if there was a way to try change the color of the jumper I had on. I used the Lasso tool and went round the shape of the jumper and then clicked onto Hue- Saturation and played about with it then chose a color of my choice.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Model Animation

Today we had to make our own model out of plaster-sine. I decided to make Mario, I really enjoyed todays lesson on making my model.