Friday 25 November 2011

This is the photo I decided to edit. I chose this image because it stands out well, and the light shines on one side of the face which is a good effect so I thought it would be a good image to edit.

This is the image after I edited it. I used the 'Hue-Saturation' tool. I also used the contrast tool and put it down a little bit. I thought it would be a good idea if there was a way to try change the color of the jumper I had on. I used the Lasso tool and went round the shape of the jumper and then clicked onto Hue- Saturation and played about with it then chose a color of my choice.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Model Animation

Today we had to make our own model out of plaster-sine. I decided to make Mario, I really enjoyed todays lesson on making my model.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Pixilation Animation

Pixilation Animation is a series of photos. It makes you think that they are moving when it is just different images with not even a second between them, this is called persitance of vision.

Here is a video I found on vimeo to show you an example of what Pixilation Animation is.

Ten Thousand Pictures of You from Robin King on Vimeo.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Cutout Animation

Today we cut out some things out of catalogues to use for our cut-out animation. We had to make a animation video with the minimum of 10 seconds. To do this we used a magnetic webcam and stuck it onto our computer in the right position to film our cut out animation. Our film lasts just under a minute, it took a while to do because we had to take a picture of each movement which is equal to basically 0.1 seconds each movement I do so it looks like its moving rather than being in one place then moving over to the middle of the screen. It takes specifically 12 pictures for 1 second. Today We have learned how to do stop motion, and cutout animation.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Primary research is when you make something which doesn't exist before you make it. An example of primary research is our video we have just made.

Secondary research is something thats already been done/made and can be found in things such as books, newspapers and on the internet.

A Time-lapse is a were you have a camera fixed in one potion, set a time on it then it takes a picture every few seconds.

Today Jack, Luke, Steven and Me made an iStop Motion movie.
We filmed Steven pulling differemt faces.

This is a screen shot I took during the process of our Movie.
Steven had to sit in the same potition without moving his head so the video looked better.

Here is our video:

Luke Marco Jack and Stephen from Luke Trainor on Vimeo.

We are now going to edit the video to make it better.